Building A Military Vehicle

Civilian and military vehicles are vastly different breeds. We look at what it takes to develop one ready for battle. Forget your modified 4×4 bakkie with its tweaked suspension, body kit, aftermarket wheels and bull bar with an integrated winch. Compared to the...

Pantser-bielies Vir Almal

Dis lank nie meer net die pous en die president van Amerika wat in versterkte voertuie die wêreld deurkruis nie. Al hoe meer Suid-Afrikaners wend hulle tot ‘n spesialis in Pretoria, waar ‘n gesinsmotor in ‘n pantserwa omgeskep kan word. Soveel so dat...


RSG het by SVI kom kuier en met Nico Louw, Besigheidsontwikkelings Bestuurder, oor ons verskeidenheid van gepantserde voertuie gesels.   Luister hier:

Só Ry ‘n Koeëlvaste Cruiser

In ‘n land waar misdaad op vele plekke hoogty vier, is ‘n Cruiser wat teen vuurwapens bestand is, nie ‘n slegte idee nie. Landbouweekblad het SVI besoek, ‘n onderneming naby Pretoria wat gewone rygoed ombou om koeëlvas te wees. Deur Justus...


This Is What It Takes To Convert A Production Vehicle Into An Armoured Car BY: Nicol Louw The AK47 assault rifle rests heavy in my hands … this is definitely not a normal day in the life of a CAR journalist. The weapon – and, yes, it is legal – belongs to Jaco de...